Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lack of Time and a Zombie Baby

So you may have noticed the lack of posts this week, and there is a reason for that...

...unfortunately it's not any cool reason like, "we were busy shooting the coolest new puppet video that is sure to blow your mind!" Actually for me, building has been pretty much out of the question as I'm opening a show this weekend. (Completely unrelated to puppets though...I'm playing Tiny Tom in Urinetown)

OK, I lied a little. In my procrastination from homework and housework, I was able to start a puppet for a friend. He drew up the design on a scrap piece of paper in class (which I would show here had it not gone through the wash in a pair of my jeans). Never fear, I expanded on the sketch he made and will be posting the progress shortly so stay tuned.

I'll be trying some new techniques on this one as his original design for a "Zombie Baby" fits into a similar style that I've been wanting to try after having been inspired by a puppet that Puppet Heap just made.

A little side note...if you haven't checked out Puppet Heap in the past, go there now...I'll wait...I don't mind, really. It's good stuff that we all can learn from...

...Ok, now that you've checked them out and are probably confused as to what a dog puppet has to do with a baby puppet...I'll just say, check back soon to see the beginning stages of the "Zombie Baby" to find out, along with anything else we may post in the mean time. I hear Kyle's puppet is almost finished.
