I'm just about ready to attach his limbs! Here is a shot of what I've got so far.
I'm pretty happy with the size he is coming out. I'm a little nervous about covering him later on though, because I want as much mobility in the neck as I can get, yet I want a good flow between the neck and the body. Usually I'd just cover this up with a clothing item (I've thought briefly about using a bib) or I'd build it without foam to support the chest which allows the fleece that connects from the head to the belly to act as a neck and an upper body. In this case though, I really wanted a solid support for the arms, especially since the design involves the limbs being slightly out of place.
Here is what the hands will look like.
I made them pliable so he can suck his thumb, make different gestures, or even hang onto a "binky." I may actually have one lying around...I used to play Mr. Noodle at Sesame Place in "Elmo's World Live", so when people would leave their stuff behind (bottles, shirts, hats, sunglasses, etc...) I was told I could keep the lost items after they'd sit unclaimed for more than a week or so. Needless to say, I have a good amount of random prop/costumes for puppets now.
The rest of the limbs are almost ready. I'll post them soon.
Feel free to suggest some names still, I'm not sold on Toby just yet.