Another round of footage yet unseen to the world is from an excursion we had way back in February - in Peoria, IL. In the theatre world, Peoria has always found itself to be the butt of many a joke (dating back to Vaudeville!), but this adventure took us on a journey through the cosmos...
Recognized as the "largest complete 'to-scale' model of the Milky Way" by the Guinness Book of World Records, this solar system is no small-scale diorama! Spanning over forty miles from the sun to Pluto (yes - I still consider it a planet, Scientists!), this model accurately represents both size and distance of the planets and lesser space bodies.

With limited time to explore, we made it all the way to Uranus before having to call it a day. I have been sitting on this footage for several months trying to figure out what to do with it, and recently found some inspiration after contacting the creator of the exhibit, Sheldon Schafer. Over the next several weeks we will also be visiting Huntsville, AL (home of the infamous Space Camp) and Houston, TX (where they deal with problems).
Hopefully we'll be able to have some more space-themed adventures in the near future... As you can see from the picture below, we're ready!