Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Furry Friend

Recently a friend of ours updated his magnificent puppet site.

Zack Buchman of Furry Puppet Studio, just put a lot of work into updating his new site. We've been huge fans of his for a while, having frequented his blog for quite some time now, but the new look is even more of an inspiration to puppet builders, new... and experienced. There are a ton of great puppets to check out on his site and on his blog so get there, now.

Monday, August 17, 2009


See?!  He has been working on puppets in addition to actually working!

With only a few days left in New Hampshire its hard to believe that we'll soon be splitting custody of our puppet supplies again... but such is the life.

Its been fun experimenting with different techniques this summer and comparing things we've learned in our more recent builds - but somehow it all flew by much too quickly.

We're discussing an update to our website - which is LONG overdue (we know) - and are looking forward to posting more short video projects in the coming weeks.  Dave is looking to start on his own puppet adventure upon returning to Chicago... hence the picture above... and Yancy has been stocking up on some cool footage that I have not yet had time to edit.

As always, thank you for checking in on us.  I promise things will pick back up again really soon!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hello Again!

Hello everyone!  

It's David...Yeah, the guy who hasn't posted in a ridiculous amount of time.  I thought that summer would bring gobs of free space in my schedule...posts every day, sometimes more...

Anyway, in my time away from the computer, I have been building quite a bit and will have a bunch of puppets to share starting next week.  Check back soon.
